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A DfE Service Manual and its content is intended for internal use by the DfE service community.

End-to-end testing strategy


The goal of the testing strategy is to validate that the whole service:

  • has only changed in the expected way
  • has been deployed into the correct working state
  • supports the primary user journeys
  • is secure
  • is resilient
  • does not break any other NFRs


Each stage of testing is designed to validate a different part of the service:


Validates that the codebase creates an executable that will function as expected

Commit to branch

Validates that the executable can be made into a deployable component that will function as expected

Create pull request

Validates that the executable can be made into a deployable component that will function as expected

Deploy to PREVIEW environment

Allows the User Researchers to see how real people interact with a specific version of the complete service that will function as expected

Push to main branch

Validates that the executable can be made into a deployable component that will function as expected

Deploy to DEVELOPMENT environment

Validates that a specific version of the deployable component can be deployed to an environment along with other components and will function as expected

Deploy to STAGING environment

Allows the Product Managers / QA to inspect a specific version of the complete service that will function as expected

Deploy to PRODUCTION environment

Allows a specific version of the complete service to be available to end users and will function as expected