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A DfE Service Manual and its content is intended for internal use by the DfE service community.

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Code tests Tests
Dev deployment Staging
Staging deployment Staging
Production deployment Production


Type Link
Application performance Prometheus
Database performance Prometheus
Logs Kibana





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API Docs Swagger Docs

External dependencies

Dependency Name Description of dependency Dependency docs Status dashboard
DfE Github A SaaS product providing version control repositories managed by the DfE Digital Tools Team DfE Digital Service status
Google Analytics A SaaS product providing collection, storage and reporting of website visitor tracking data About analytics Service status A SaaS product providing collection, storage and analysis of application logs External component Service status
StatusCake A SaaS product offering uptime, page speed, domain and SSL certificate monitoring around the clock. StatusCake uptime Service status
GOV UK PaaS A GOV UK PaaS product providing container hosting and backing services for public facing services External component Service status


Failover / HA Approach

GOV UK PaaS is built to straddle both eu-west-1 (Dublin) and eu-west-2 (London) AWS regions, with clients able to select which region their applications are deployed to.

Within a region, GOV UK PaaS is deployed to 3 availability zones, AZ-a, AZ-b, and AZ-c. AWS asserts that almost all failures should never affect more than one availability zone at a time.

The system automatically spreads diego cells across all three availability zones. Most of the APIs and cloud foundry control components are load balanced between 2 of 3 availability zones.

GOV UK PaaS is explicitly scaled to be resilient to a complete failure of any one availability zone.

In the loss of two availability zones, it’s likely that client applications would continue running in the third availability zone, but that the cloud foundry control systems for allowing deployments, gathering logs and so on would be disrupted.

For further information on GOV UK PaaS please refer to the main dependency entry


Include details of purchaser, contacts, issuers and renewal process / dates

Run Books

School onboarding report refresh

Common / Known Issues

Issue Response

Scheduled / Regular Tasks

Manual / Automated Performed By Task Summary
Manual Developers School onboarding report refresh

Test Strategy

…. yes please

include how general changes are tested

regression testing suite for post-release & major change

smoke tests for basic validation of system

Security Testing

note some details here

Performance Testing

note some details here

Other Relevant Notes

note some details here