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Terraform setup

Instruction on setting up the Terraform CLI can be found on their website

Creating a new Terraform environment

If we want to create a new long term environment, we need to create a new backing store for state.

We are using S3 buckets created through GovPaaS & Cloudfoundry to store terraform state. In order to create a new bucket, you need to have the cloudfoundry cli installed and logged in to the GovPaaS account.

To create a new S3 bucket, run

cf create-service aws-s3-bucket default dfe-ecf-terraform-state-<env>

To create the access key, run

cf create-service-key dfe-ecf-terraform-state-<env> terraform-state-key-<env> -c '{"allow_external_access": true}'

To view the access key:

cf service-key dfe-ecf-terraform-state-<env> terraform-state-key-<env>

You should be able to see the bucket_name, aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key. With these values, run

terraform init -backend-config="bucket=<bucket_name>" -backend-config="access_key=<aws_access_key_id>" -backend-config="secret_key=<aws_secret_access_key>"

Running Terraform apply

terraform apply --var-file=... -var='secret_paas_app_env_values={"RAILS_MASTER_KEY":"..."}' -var='paas_user=...' -var='paas_password=...' -var='paas_app_docker_image=...'