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A DfE Service Manual and its content is intended for internal use by the DfE service community.

Maintenance mode

The repo includes a simple service unavailable page page that can be pushed to a cf app. Traffic can be rerouted to it instead of the main application. This is handy in case of a critical bug being discovered where we need to take the service offline, or in case of maintenance where we want to avoid users interacting with the service.

When enabled, all requests will receive the service unavailable page.

Upcoming Maintenance Warnings

The ECF app features an upcoming maintenance banner that can be enabled by setting the constants in app/components/banners/maintenance_component.rb.

Enable Maintenance mode

Login to PaaS: cf login --sso or cf login -o dfe -u


Run the make command: make prod enable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-production CONFIRM_PRODUCTION=y

To bring the application back up: make prod disable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-production CONFIRM_PRODUCTION=y


Run the make command: make sandbox enable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-sandbox

To bring the application back up: make sandbox disable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-sandbox


Run the make command: make staging enable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-staging

To bring the application back up: make staging disable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-staging

Review Apps

Review apps need their PR number specifying, for PR 3766 see below.

Run the make command: make review enable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-review-pr-3766 PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER=3766

To bring the application back up: make review disable-maintenance APP_NAME=ecf-review-pr-3766 PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER=3766