Service Users
Tasks enable by the digital service - register their interest in applying for an NPQ training course - record contact details (name, email address) - provide information held within Teacher Regulation Agency records (TRN, DoB, National Insurance Number) to enable identification of relevant records that would verify qualified teaching status, alerts and previous induction or training records. - record chosen courses and lead provider - record funding preferences
School Induction Tutors
Tasks enabled by the digital service - record their own contact details (name, email address) - record participants (ECTs, Mentors and Teachers) contact details (name, email address) - record intention to do FIP, CIP or their own programme - confirm partnerships with Lead Providers and their Provider Network
Lead Providers
tasks enabled by the digital service - record partnerships between Schools and their Provider Network - record which NPQ applications have been accepted or rejected - record details of induction or training programme activities related to receiving funding and delivering to SLAs - record changes in a participants status (active, withdrawn, deferred etc) - retrieve school characteristics relating to recrutment target SLAs - retrieve school characteristics relating to a partnership with a Provider Network - retrieve particiapnts characteristics relating to whether they are eligible for funding - retrieve basic details (TRN, name, email address) in order to begin on boarding participants onto an induction or training program - retrieve breakdowns of payments against contracted targets